Gorrissen Federspiel


København K


For Gorrissen Federspiel's office in Axel Tower, we have created specially designed lights for the office's main staircase. 

LIGHTPLANNER assisterede desuden som teknisk rådgiver og projektleder på implementeringen af kontorets lys, hvilket blandt andet indebar udarbejdelse af en speciallavet jernkonstruktion til ophængning af lamper, samt plan for lampeudtag og lysstyring. 


For the main staircase of the office, we have designed lights for the steps of the stairs. In the solution, we created a specially designed "housing" for the luminaires, so that they are included as an integrated element in the steps. The diodes are placed on every other step and angled so that they highlight the materiality and architectural course of the stairs.



LIGHTPLANNER has assisted as a technical advisor in the implementation of the lighting design and the subsequent lighting control. In connection with the suspension of the large, heavy luminaires, we were responsible for drawing and preparing a specially designed iron construction, for extra reinforcement of the ceiling.

Considering new lighting?

Contact us and let us talk about your needs and desires.

English (UK)